• Web ADS
How do you see it? Web Activation Ads to ask the Italians of today 
how see the Italians of today.
White, red and broke. The Italians of today are poorer.
Bye bye baby. The Italians of today have fewer children.
Those who make the stairs go up. The Italians of today make the stairs instead of take the elevator.
Gooood morning social. The Italians of today are the first ones, in Europe, to turn on their smartphone when to wake up.
A nation of saints, poets and tattooed. The Italians of today spend more in tattoo and less in jewels.
Your house is my house. The Italians of today, spend their holiday at friends' house.
In Italy everything is a vegan magna-magna. The Italians of today are more vegan and vegetarian.
The collage-art allowed me to find an artistically coherent way to match these topics, completely different from each other, with the same look and, also, giving a suggestion of those boring statistics numbers.

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